Encyclopedia of educational theory and philosophy volume two L-Z
Ensiklopedi Al-Qur'an : kajian kosakata
Ensiklopedia kitab-kitab rujukan hadits : lengkap dengan biografi ulama hadits dan sejarah pembukuannya
Encyclopedia of Arabic language and linguistics (5 volume)
Ensiklopedia suku, seni dan budaya nasional Jilid 1-6 (HC)
Al-Mu`jam al falsafy bi al fadl al `Arabiyyah wa al Faransiyyah wa al-Injilisiyyah wa al-Latiniyyah
The Encyclopaedia of Islam : new edition glossary and index of term to volume I-IX and to the supplement, fascicules 1-6
The Encyclopaedia of Islam : new edition index of subjects to volumes I-IX and to the supplement, fascicules 1-6
The Encyclopaedia of Islam : new edition index of proper names to volumes I-VIII and supplemen, fascicules 1-6
Encyclopedia of educational theory and philosophy volume one A-K