Etika seksual dalam Islam / Murtadha Muthahhari
Repentance as a defence : comparative study under islamic law, common law and continental law
Hukum antar golongan : Interaksi fiqh Islam dengan syari'at Agama lain / Teungku Muhammad Hasbi Ash Shiddieqy
The Muslims view of the Bible and the Chrisian's views of the Qur'an / Cate Patrick O'Hair
Fiqih Shaum, i'tikaf dan haji : kajian berbagai madzhab / Wahbah al Zuhaily;Penerjemah:Masdar Helmy
Perbandingan agama : agama Islam / Ahmad Shalaby;alih bahasa:A.M.Arifin
Pastur menuduh santri menjawab / Abdul Muta`al al Sa`idi