Susceptible to the sacred : the psychological experience of ritual / Bani Shorter
Melancholy and the critique of modernity : Soren Kierkegaard's religious psychology / harvie Ferguson
Konseling Islam bagi individu berpenyakit kronis : analisis pada pasien kusta RSUD Tugurejo Semarang ( Laporan penelitian individual ) / Ema Hidayanti
Prasangka keagamaan / Ibnu Hadjar
Be yourself, everyone else is already taken :transform your life with the power of authenticity
A conceptual history of psychology
Taking sides : clashing views on psychological issues
Why don't students like school? :a cognitive scientist answers questions about how the mind works and what it means for the classroom
The think big manifesto :think you can't change your life (and the world) think again
Kesehatan jiwa dalam keluarga, sekolah dan masyarakat / Musthafa Fahmi; Alih bahasa, Zakiah Daradjat