The quran : The eternal revelation vouchsafed to Muhammad the seal of the prophets / Muhammad Zafrulla Khan
Dictionary of The Holy Qur'an (Arabic-English) : Classical Arabic Dictionaries Combined / 'Abdul Mannan 'Omar
Nikmatnya hidangan Al-Qur'an / 'Aidh bin 'Abdullah al-Qarni;Penerjemah:AM. Halim
Al-Jazeera : how the free Arab news network scooped the world and changed the Middle East / Mohammed El-Nawawy, Adel Iskandar
Pesan-pesan numerik al-Quran / Iskandar AG Soemabrata
Sufi symbolism in the early quranic commentary / Moh. Anwar Syarifuddin
The qur'an : the basics / Massimo Campini:tranlated by Oliver Leaman
The Computer universe : a scientific rendering of the holy qur'an / P.A. Wahid
Kamus ilmu alQuran / Ahsin W. Al-Hafidz
Ensiklopedi mukjizat alquran dan hadis (10 jilid) : kemukjizatan penciptaan bumi (jilid 8) / Hisham Thalbah...(; penerjemah: Syarif Hade Masyah...(