Yahoo! Maps mashups

No. Panggil 910.285 FRE y
Pengarang Freedman, Charles,;
Tempat Terbit Indianapolis, IN :
Penerbit Wiley
Tahun Terbit 2007
Subject Geographic information systems.; Application program interfaces (Computer software); Sistem Informasi Geografis;
Klasifikasi 910.285
Abstrak/Catatan Includes index.; "Programmer to programmer"--Cover.; Your map, your world -- Developing with Yahoo! Maps -- The Ajax API -- Get started with the Ajax API -- Ajax API basics -- Ajax API advanced features -- The Ajax mashup -- The JS-flash API -- Get started with the JS-flash API -- JS-flash API basics -- JS-flash API advanced features -- The JS-flash mashup -- The AS-flash API -- Get started with the AS-flash API -- AS-flash API basics -- As-flash API advanced features -- The AS-flash API mashup -- Yahoo! Maps and Flex 2 -- Get started with Yahoo! Maps and Flex 2 -- Basic methods: Flex 2 using the AS-flash API -- Advanced features: Flex 2 using the AS-flash API -- The Flex 2 mashup -- Appendix A: API method comparison chart -- Appendix B: API example and mashup index.;