Understanding contemporary Russia
Understanding contemporary Russia
Asian Islam in the 21st century
Taj Al - Salatin karya Bukhari Al - Jauhari : sebuah kajian filologi dan refleksi filosofis
Islamic politics of the dutch east indies : Het kantoor voor inlandsche zaken
Student atlas of world politics 8th ed.
Points of view :readings in American government and politics 10th ed.
Points of view :Readings in American Geverment and Politics / edited by Robert E. DiClerico
Piramida Kurban Manusia : Etika Politik Dan Perubahan Sosial / Peter L. Berger;penerjemah: A.Rahman Toleng
Fiqh Today Fatwa Tradisional untuk Orang Modern : fikih politik
Islam otentisitas liberalisme / David Sagiv; penerjemah: Yudian W. Asmin