Api Islam : Sejarah Revolusi dan Cita-cita Islam dengan Riwayat Hidup Nabi Muhammad S.A.W / Syed Ameer Ali;Alih bahasa H.B.Jassin
Oman : the modernization of the Sultanate / Calvin H. Allen
Jaringan Perdagangan Makassar Abad XVI-XVII / Muslimin A.R. Effendy;Editor:Kundharu Saddhono
Traditions & Encounters: a global perspective on the past, vol 1: from the beginning to 1500
Abu Bakar As-siddiq yang lembut hati sebuah biografi dan studi analisis tentang permulaan sejarah slam sepeninggal nabi / Muhammad Husain Haekal
Annual editions: United States history, Volume 2 reconstruction through the present
Annual editions: world politics 09/10
Unfinished nation: aconcise history of the American people
The story of American business :from the pages of the New York Times
Sejarah dan keagungan Madzhab Sjafi'i / Siradjuddin Abbas