Kultur The Indonesia Journal For Muslim Cultures

No. Panggil | |
Pengarang | Dicka Elsa Alfiana; Novi Andriyani; Irawan Adi Prasetyo; Yasir Amri Prayoga; Novian Nurwahyuda; |
Tempat Terbit | Jakarta |
Penerbit | Pusat kajian agama dan budaya UIN Syarif Hidayahtullah |
Tahun Terbit | 2009 |
Subject | ; |
Klasifikasi | |
Abstrak/Catatan | Vol. 4, Number 1, 2009. the publication of kultur has been suspended for quite a while for editorial reasons. Meanwhile, also the name of the institute has changed from center for lenguage and cultures to center for the study of religion and culture. |