Total data: 15119
Political research : methods and practical skills
Halperin, Sandra; Heath, Oliver;Oxford : Oxford University Press , 2017
Politics in the developing world
Burnell, Peter; Randall, Vicky; Rakner, Lisa;Oxford : Oxford University Press , 2017
Pengantar studi hukum konstitusi=introduction to the study of the law of the constitution
Nurhadi; Mangunsong, Nurainun; Dicey, A.V.;Bandung : Nusamedia , 2015
Argumentation in science education : perspectives from classroom-based research
Erduran, Sibel; Jimenez; Aleixandre, Maria Pilar;Dordrecht : Springer , 2007
Writing and learning in the science classroom
Wallace, Carolyn S.; Hand, Brian; Prain, Vaughan;London : Kluwer Academic Publishers , 2004
Praktikum akuntansi keuangan lanjutan
Sabaruddinsah; Cahyati, Ari Dewi; Putri, Anisa;Jakarta : Mitra Wacana Media , 2017