Total data: 15090
Popular Culture Icons in Contemporary American Drama
Blatanis, Konstantinos;Madison : Fairleigh Dickinson University Press , 2003
College Board book of majors 2013
College Board; College Entrance Examination Board;Princeton, New Jersey : The College Board , 2016
Empire Burlesque: the fate of critical culture in global America
O'Hara, Daniel T.;Durham : Duke university Press , 2003
Encantado: Pink dolphin of the Amazon
Montgomery, Sy; Taylor; Snow, Dianne;Boston : Wadsworth , 2002
The user’s guide to college writing: reading, analyzing, and writing
Kreml, Nancy M.; Carr, Diane Rose; Capps, Douglas; Jake, Janice; May, Sharon;Westport, Connecticut : Person Longman , 2003
TED talks: the official TED guide to public speaking
Anderson, Chris,;Boston : Houghton Mifflin Harcourt , 2016
Bartlett's fammiliar quotations: a collection of passages, phrases, and proverbs traced to their source in ancient and modern literature
Bartlett, John; Kaplan, Justin;Boston : Little, Brown, and Company , 2002
Whatever happened to the metric system?: how America kept its feet
Marciano, John Bemelmans;New York : Bloomsbury , 2014
GMAT review the only study guide by the creators of the test
Graduate Management Admission Council;McLean, VA : McLean, VA : Graduate Management Admission Council, c2005. , 2005
MLA handbook for writers of research papers
Gibaldi, Joseph,; Modern Language Association of America.;New York : : Modern Language Association of America, , 2009