Total data: 15119
Peningkatan fungsi DPRD dalam penyususnan perda yang responsif
Suwanda, Dadang;Bandung : Remaja Rosdakarya , 2016
Williams' essentials of nutrition and diet therapy
Schlenker, Eleanor D.,; Gilbert, Joyce,;[S.l.] : Elsevier , 2015
Krause's food and the nutrition care process
Mahan, L. Kathleen; Raymond, Janice L.;St. Louis, Missouri : Elsevier , 2017
Menatap masa depan NU [Nahdlatul Ulama]: membangkitkan spirit tashwirul afkar, nahdlatul wathan, dan nahdlatut tujjar
Asmani, Jamal Ma'mur;Yogyakarta : Aswaja Pressindo , 2016
Fundamentals of analytical chemistry
Skoog, Douglas A.; West, Donald M.; Holler, F. James; Crouch, Stanley R.;Australia : Cengage Learning , 2014
Amandemen undang-undang ITE (informasi dan transaksi elektronik) UU RI no. 19 tahun 2016
Indonesia; Dewan Perwakilan Rakyat RI;Jakarta : Sinar Grafika , 2017
Development through life : a psychological approach
Newman, Barbara M.; Newman, Philip R.;Stamford : Cengage Learning , 2015
Warren, Carl S.; Reeve, James M.; Duchac, Jonathan E.;Boston, MA : Cengage Learning , 2016
Abnormal psychology
Hooley, Jill M.; Butcher, James N.; Nock, Matthew K.; Mineka, Susan;Boston : Pearson , 2017