Total data: 6195
The dynamics of Islam in Philippines, Myanmar, and Thailand
Yusuf, Choirul Fuad; Syaukani; Syibromalisi, Arif; Bustaman, Ridwan; Fahrudin, Ali; Pinem, Masmedia;Jakarta : Departemen Agama R.I , 2016
Manuscripts and Islamic historical studies in Indonesia
Tjandrasasmita, Uka;Jakarta : Departemen Agama R.I , 2016
Peta kajian hadis ulama Banjar
Saifuddin; Nirwana, Dzikri; Bashori;Banjarmasin : IAIN antasari press , 2014
Fluency instruction : research-based best practices
Rasinski, Timothy V.; Blachowicz, Camille L. Z.; Lems, Kristin.;New York : : The Guilford Press, , 2012
Discovering our past : a brief introduction to archaeology
Ashmore, Wendy,; Sharer, Robert J.;New York : McGraw-Hill , 2012
Kesinambungan dan perubahan dalam pemikiran kontemporer tentang asba al-nuzul : studi pemikiran Muhammad Syahrur dan Nashr Hamid Abu Zayd
Abidin, M. Zainal; Wardani; Aseri, Akh Fauzi;Banjarmasin : IAIN antasari press , 2014
The essential guide to selecting and using core reading programs
Dewitz, Peter; Leahy, Susan B; Jones, Jennifer; Sullivan, Pamela Maslin;Newark : International Reading Association , 2010
Text compexity: Raising rigor in reading
Fisher, Douglas; Frey, Nancy; Lapp, Diane;Newark : International Reading Association , 2012
The alliance : managing talent in the networked age
Hoffman, Reid.; Casnocha, Ben.; Yeh, Chris.;Boston : Harvard Business Review Press, , 2014
Death by Medicine
Null, Gary; Rasio, Debora; Feldman, Martin; Dean, Carolyn;New York : McGraw-Hill , 2010