Total data: 422
Education of the gifted and talented
Davis, Gary A.; Rimm, Sylvia B.; Siegle, Del;Harlow, Essex : Pearson , 2014
Teori dan metode dalam ilmu politik
Shohifullah; Mahadi, Helmi; Marsh, David; Stoker, Gerry;Bandung : Nusamedia , 2011
Psychological testing : principles and applications
Murphy, Kevin R.; Davidshofer, Charles O.;Harlow : Pearson Education , 2014
The cambridge handbook of acculturation psychology
Sam, David L.; Berry, John W.;United Kingdom : Cambridge University Press , 2016
Colaborative learning : strategi pembelajaran untuk sukses bersama
Johnson, David W.; Johnson, Roger T.; Holubec, Edythe Johnson; Yusron, Narulita;Bandung : Nusamedia , 2012
Ensiklopedia bahasa = the cambridge encyclopedia of language
Astuti, Rahmani; Crystal, David,;Bandung : Nuansa Cendekia , 2015
Manual of nutritional therapeutics
Alpers, David H.; Taylor, Beth E.; Bier, Dennis m.; Klein, Samuel;Philadelphia : Wolters Kluwer , 2015
Sekolah untuk semua : teori dan implementasi inklusi
Smith, J. David; Denis; Baihaqi, MIF; Sugiarmin, Mohammad;Bandung : Nuansa Cendekia , 2015
Understanding global conflict and cooperation : intro to theory and history
Nye Jr, Joseph S.; Welch, David A.;Harlow : Pearson Education Limited , 2014