Total data: 8110
The Psychology of religious behaviour, belief and experience / Benjamin Beit-hallahmi
Beit; hallahmi, Benjamin; Argyle, Michael;London and New York : Routledge , 1997
Theorizing About Myth / Robert A.Segal
Segal, Robert A.;Boston : University of Massachusetts , 1999
Abad Ideologi / Henry D.Aiken; Penerjemah: Sigit Djatmiko
Aiken, Henry D.; Djatmiko, Sigit;Yogyakarta : Bentang Budaya , 2002
Where God Lives in the Human Brain / Carol Rausch dan James B.Ashbrook
Albright, Carol Rausch;Naperville : Sourcebooks , 2001
The Unity of Philosophical Experience / Entienne Gilson
Gilson, Entienne;San Francisco : Ignatius Press , 1999