Total data: 8154
The Routledge dictionary of religious and spiritual quotations
Parrinder, Geoffey;London : Routledge , 2000
The Law and institution of zakat / Farishta G. de Zayas
De Zayas, Farishta G.;Kuala Lumpur : The Other Press , 2003
Islam : Its prophet, peoples, politics and power / Goerge W. Braswell
Braswell, Goerge W.;Nashville : Broadman \r\n Holman Publishers , 1996
Nine parts of desire : the hidden worls of islamic women / Geraldine Brooks
Brooks, Geraldine;New York : Anchor Books , 1996
Making societies : the historical construction of our world / William G. Roy
Roy, William G.;Thousand Oaks, California : Pine Forge Press , 2001
Strong religion : the rise of fundamentalisms around the world / Gabriel A. Almond
Almond, Gabriel A.;Chicago : University of Chicago Press , 2003
Models and trends in religious education / Gail Thomas McKenna
McKenna, Gail Thomas;USA : Twenty-third publications , 1998
Beyond phenomenology : rethingking the study of religion / Gavin Flood
Flood, Gavin;London : Cassell , 1999