Total data: 8168
Sejarah lisan di Asia Tenggara : teori dan metode
HUen,P. Lim Pui; Morrison, James H; Guan, Kwa Chong;Jakarta : Pustaka LP3ES , 2000
Tuhan dan Agama Dalam Dunia Postmodern / David Ray Griffin; Penerjemah : A. Gunawan Admiranto
Griffin,David Ray; Admiranto,A.Gunawan;Yogyakarta : Kanisius , 2005
The Mathematical century : the 30 greatest problems of the last 100
Odifreddi, Piergiorgio;Princeton, New Jersey : Princeton University Press , 2004
Gandhi on Christianity
Ellsberg,Robert (ed); Pristiani,Lovie Lenny; Gunansyah,Agung;Yogyakarta : LKiS , 2004
The Matter myth : dramatic discoveries that challenge our understanding of physical reality / Paul Davies, John Gribbin
Davies, Paul; Gribbin, John;New York : A Touchstone Book , 1992
The Constitution of Society : Teori Strukturasi untuk Analisa Sosial
Giddens, Anthony; Sujono,Adi Loka;Pasuruan : Pedati , 2003
Fundamentals of thermal-fluid science
Cengel, Yunus A; Turner, Robert H;New York : McGraw-Hill , 2001