Total data: 8180
Stand strong : kau bisa menghadapi segala bentuk penindasan (dan hal-hal lain yang membebani dirimu)
Vijicic, Nick; Cynthia, Agnes;Jakarta : Gramedia Pustaka Utama , 2014
The structure & reactions of the aromatic compounds
Badger, G. M.;New York : Cambridge University Press , 2011
An introduction to essential algebraic structures
Dixon, Martyn R; Kurdachenko, Leonid A; Subbotin, Igor YA;Amerika : Wiley , 2015
Demokreatif: kisah blusukan Jokowi
Prast, Hari; Adhitrisna, Yoga; Wibowo, Satrio;Jakarta : Gramedia , 2015
The PR masterclass : how to develop a public relations strategy that works
Singleton, Alex;West Sussex, UK : : Wiley , 2014
Who's afraid of the big bad dragon ? : why China has the best (and worst) education system in the world
Zhao, Yong;San Fransisco : Graffiti Pers , 2014
Terorisme negara : kerja sama konspiratif menjinakkan Islam fundamentalis
Thontowi, Jawahir; Kurniawan, agung;Yogyakarta : UII Press , 2013