Total data: 8180
The determination of chemical elements in food: applications for atomic and mass spectrometry
Caroli, Sergio;New Jersey : Wiley , 2007
Handbook teori sosial
Ritzer, George; Widowatie, Derta Sri; Muttaqien, Imam; Smart, Barry; Waluyati;Bandung : Nusamedia , 2015
Intercultural exchange in Southeast Asia
Alberts, Tara; Irving, D. R. M.;London : I. B. Tauris , 2013
Schaum's outlines of aljabar elementer
Simarmata, Lemeda; Gressando, Julian; Schmidt, Philip A.; Rich, Barnett;Jakarta : Erlangga , 2009
Metode penelitian sosial berbagai alternatif pendekatan
Suyanto, Bagong; Sutinah;Jakarta : Kencana , 2013
The spiritual dimension : religion, philosophy and human value
Cottingham, John;New York : Cambridge University Press , 2006
Akuntansi suatu pengantar buku 1 : berbasis PSAK
Sasongko, Catur; Setyaningrum, Agustin; Febriana, Annisa; Hanum, Ayu Nadia; Pratiwi, Aisyah Dian; Zuryati, Vivi;Jakarta : Salemba Empat , 2016
Principles of biology
Brooker, Robert J.; Widmaier, Eric P.; Graham, Linda E.; Stiling, Peter D.;New York : McGraw-Hill Education , 2015
The Challenge of democracy : american goverment in global politics 13th edition
Janda, Kenneth; Berry, Jeffrey M.; Goldman, Jerry; Schildkraut, Deborah;USA : Cengage Learning , 2016