Total data: 26444

Current issues In ISlamic banking and finance : resilience and stability in the present system
Venardos, Angelo M.;Singapore : World scientific , 2010

Science and religion : new historical perspectives
Dixon, Thomas; Cantor, Geoffrey; Pumfrey, Stephen;New York : Cambridge University Press , 2011

How to win friends and influence people in the digital age
Carnegie, Dale; Krisnarini, Nengah;Jakarta : Gramedia Pustaka Utama , 2014

The Island of Java = sejarah tanah Jawa
Stockdale, John Joseph; Puspitorini, Ira; Ismanto, An;Yogyakarta : Indoliterasi , 2014

The great partnership : Science,religion, and the search for meaning
Sack, Rabbi Jonathan;New York : Schocken , 2011

Kriptografi untuk keamanan jaringan dan implementasinya dalam bahasa Java
Sadikin, Rifki; Prabawati, TH. Arie;Yogyakarta : Andi , 2012