Total data: 25762
Peta kajian hadis ulama Banjar
Saifuddin; Nirwana, Dzikri; Bashori;Banjarmasin : IAIN antasari press , 2014
Penetrasi neo-salafisme dalam lembar kerja siswa di madrasah
Fuad, A. Jauhar;Jakarta : Departemen Agama R.I , 2015
Rethinking the MBA : business education at a crossroads
Datar, Srikant M.; Garvin, David A.; Cullen, Patrick G.;Boston, Mass. : : Harvard Business Press, , 2010
Window on humanity : a concise introduction to anthropology
Kottak, Conrad Phillip.;New York : McGraw-Hill Education , 2014
Fluency instruction : research-based best practices
Rasinski, Timothy V.; Blachowicz, Camille L. Z.; Lems, Kristin.;New York : : The Guilford Press, , 2012
Kado untuk mahasiswa : relasi kepemimpinan, budaya, organisasi dan psikologi mahasiswa
Ramadan, Willy;Banjarmasin : IAIN antasari press , 2014
Discovering our past : a brief introduction to archaeology
Ashmore, Wendy,; Sharer, Robert J.;New York : McGraw-Hill , 2012
Mirror for humanity : a concise introduction to cultural anthropology
Kottak, Conrad Phillip.;New York : McGraw-Hill Education , 2014
Global sociology : introducing five contemporary societies
Schneider, Linda.;New York, NY : : McGraw-Hill , 2013