Total data: 25762
Confronting racism the problem and the response / Jennifeer L. Eberhardt
Eberhardt, Jennifer L; Fiske, Susan T;London : Sage Publicaation , 1998
The Culture of Islam : changing aspects of contemporaary Muslim life / Lawrence Rosen
Rosen, Lawrence;Chicago : University of Chicago Press , 2002
In the shadow of the prophet : the struggle for the soul of Islam / Milton Viorst
Viorst, Milton;Cambridge : Westvieew , 2001
Holy terrors : thinking about religion after September 11 / Bruce Lincoln
Lincoln, Bruce;Chicago : University of Chicago Press , 2003
Divine discourse : philosophical reflections on the claim that God speaks / Nicholas Wolterstorff
Wolterstorff, Nicholas;New York : Cambridge University Press , 1995
Struggling to surrender : some impressions of an American convert to Islam / Jeffery Lang
Lang Jeffery;Beltsville, Maryland : Amana Publications , 1995
Soul quest journey from death to immortality / Anand Krishna
Krishna, Anand;Jakarta : Gramedia , 2003