Total data: 25762
Religion in the news : faith and journalism in American public discourse
Hoover, Stewart M.;Thousand Oaks, California : Sage Publications , 1998
Islamic nationhood and colonial Indonesia : the umma below the winds / Michael Francis Laffan
Laffan, Michael Francis;London : Routledge Curzon , 2003
Her honour : an Islamic critique of the rape provisions in pakistan's ordinance on zina / Asifa Quraishi
Quraishi, Asifa;Kuala Lumpur : Islamic Book Trust , 2002
Islam : Its prophet, peoples, politics and power / Goerge W. Braswell
Braswell, Goerge W.;Nashville : Broadman \r\n Holman Publishers , 1996
Nine parts of desire : the hidden worls of islamic women / Geraldine Brooks
Brooks, Geraldine;New York : Anchor Books , 1996
The Holy war idea in western and Islamic tradisions / James Turner Johnson
Johnson, James Turner;Pennsylvana : The Pennsylvana State University Prress , 2002
Meta-reality : the philosophy of meta-reality, volume 1: creativity, love and freedom
Bhaskar, Roy;New Delhi : Sage Publications , 2002
Making societies : the historical construction of our world / William G. Roy
Roy, William G.;Thousand Oaks, California : Pine Forge Press , 2001