Total data: 8526
Sherris medical microbiology :an introduction to infectious diseases
Ryan, Kenneth J.; Ray, C. George,; Sherris, John C.;New York : : McGraw-Hill , 2004
Problems and cases in health care marketing
Gourville, John T.; Quelch, John A.; Rangan, V. Kasturi;Boston : : McGraw-Hill/Irwin , 2005
Microsoft Access 2002 :introductory
Haag, Stephen.; Perry, James T.; Wells, Merrill;Boston : : McGraw-Hill/Irwin , 2002
Human anatomy
McKinley, Michael P.; O'Loughlin, Valerie Dean.;Boston : : McGraw-Hill Higher Education , 2006
How to re search: Seluk beluk melakukan riset
Blaxter, Loraine; Hughes Christina; Tight, Malcolm; Sitepoe, Agustina RE;s.l. : Indeks , 2006
Bimbingan penyuluhan Islam : pengembangan dakwah melalui psikoterapi Islam
Isep Zainal Arifin;Jakarta : RajaGrafindo Persada , 2009
Research and evaluation for business
Pelosi, Marilyn K.; SandiFer, Theresa M.; Sekaran, Uma;New York : : John Wiley , 2001
Undang-undang perbankan syariah: titik temu hukum Islam dan hukum nasional
Zubairi Hasan;Jakarta : RajaGrafindo Persada , 2009