Total data: 8620
Manajemen Keuangan
Gitosudarmo, Indriyo; Basri;Yogyakarta : Fakultas Ekonomika dan Bisnis UGM , 2014
Ensiklopedi wanita muslimah
bin Baz, Abdul Aziz bin Abdullah; Al; Utsaimin, Muhammad bin Shalih; Al; Jibrin, Abdullah bin Abdurrahman;Jakarta : Zikrul Hakim , 2011
Fikih hadits Bukhari Muslim
Ibn Kaṡīr al; Dimasyqī, Abū al; Fidāʾ Ismāʿīl ibn ʿUmar; Mustahid, Umar; Amri, Yasir;Jakarta : Ummul Qura , 2013
Legal Pluralism and Shari'a Law
Turner, Bryan S.; Possamai, Adam; Richardson, James T.;New York : Routledge , 2014
Media and cociety : production, content and participation
Carah, Nicholas; Louw, Eric;Los Angeles : Sage Press , 2015
Democracy, human rights and law in Islamic thought
Jabri, Mohammed Abed al;New York : I.B. Tauris , 2009
God and the Scientist : exploring the work of John Polkinghorne
Watts, Fraser; Knight, Christopher C.;England : Ashgate Publishing Limited , 2012
Atlas anatomi
Williams, Lippincott; Wilkins; Hartanto, Huriawati; Astikawati, Rina; Tank, Patrick W.; Gest, Thomas R.;Jakarta : Erlangga , 2010