Total data: 8569
Pendidikan kewarganegaraan :demokrasi, HAM dan masyarakat madani
PUSLIT IAIN Syarif Hidayatullah Jakarta, Penyusun;Jakarta : IAIN Syarif Hidayatullah Press , 2000
Managing business ethics :straight talk about how to do it right
Treviño, Linda Klebe.; Nelson, Katherine A.,;Hoboken, NJ : : Wiley, , 2003
The delights of democracy: the triumph of American politics
Potholm, Christian P.;New York : Cooper Squre Press , 2002
Ethics in public management
Frederickson, H. George; Ghere, Richard K.;Armonk, N.Y. : : M.E. Sharpe , 2005
America's Inadvertent Empire
Odom, William E.; Dujarric, Robert;New Haven : Yale University Press , 2004
The Oxford Guide to the United States Goverment
Patrick, John J.; Pious, Richard M; Ritchie, Donald;New York : Oxford University Press , 2001
The Politics of News: The News of Politics
Graber, Doris; McQuail, Denis; Norris, Pippa;Washington, D.C. : CQ Press , 1998
Accelerating the globalization of America: the role for information technology
Mann, Catherine L.; Kirkegaard, Jacob Funk;Washington, D.C. : Institute For International Economics , 2006