Total data: 7989
The Norton anthology of world religions
Miles, Jack; Doniger, Wendy; Lopez, Donald S.; Robson, James;New York : W. W. Norton , 2015
Journal of southeast asian studies
Department History National University of Singapore; Pelleggi, Mautizio;Singapore : Department History National University of Singapore , s.a.
Peligion and the public sphere : new conversations
Walters, James; Kersley, Esther;New York : s.n. , 2018
Prosiding: membangun etika sosial politik menuju masyarakat yang berkeadilan
Fakultas Ilmu Sosial dan Ilmu Universitas Lampung; Marta, Andri; Reza, Izul Fatcu; Melinda, Selvi Diana;Bandar Lampung : Fakultas Ilmu Sosial dan Ilmu Universitas Lampung , 2017
IGC 2018: proceeding of the 1st international graduate conference
Universitas Syiah Kuala;Banda Aceh : Universitas Syiah Kuala , 2019
INCOLWIS 2019: Proceeding of the 2nd international converence on local wisdom
Hidayat, Herry Nur; Pramono; Meigalia, Eka; Saddhono, Kundharu; Anwar, Khairil;Padang : Fakultas Humanities Andalas , 2019