Total data: 14960
Quiet: the power of introverts in a wold that can't stop talking
Cain, Susan;Westport, Connecticut : Broadway Books , 2012
Click on democracy: the Internet's power to change political apathy into civic action
Davis, Steve; Elin, Larry; Reeher, Grant;Boulder, Colorado : Westview press , 2002
To sell is human: the surprising truth about moving others
Pink, Daniel H.;Princeton, New Jersey : Riverhead Books. , 2012
Encyclopedia of human rights issues since 1945
Langley, Winston E.;Westport, Connecticut : Greenwood Press , 1999
New media in the muslim world :the emerging public sphere
Eickelman, Dale F.; Anderson, Jon W.;Bloomington : Indiana University Press , 2003
Making a place for making community: local democracy in a global era
Williamson, Thand; Imbroscio, David; Alperovitz, Gar;New York : Routledge , 2002
Young v. Old: Generational combat in the 21st century
MacManus, Susan A.;Colorado : Westview press , 1996
Accelerating the globalization of America: the role for information technology
Mann, Catherine L.; Kirkegaard, Jacob Funk;Washington, D.C. : Institute For International Economics , 2006