Total data: 15119
Menapak jejak Amien Rais : persembahan seorang putri untuk ayah tercinta
Adhika Prasetya Kusharsanto; ;Jakarta : Esensi , 2010
Economics of social issues
Sharp, Ansel Miree,; Register, Charles A.; Grimes, Paul W.;Boston : : McGraw-Hill/Irwin , 2008
Microcomputer accounting :tutorial and applications with Peachtree
Anders, Gregory E.; Spiegelberg, Emma Jo.; Nelson, Sally;New York : : Glencoe, , 2001
How to design and evaluate research in education
Wallen, Norman E.; Fraenkel, Jack R.,;Boston : : McGraw-Hill , 2006
Jam! :amp your team, rock your business : work hard, rock harder
Carlisi, Jeff.; Lipson, Dan,; Busbee, Jay.;San Francisco : : Graffiti Pers , 2009
Leadership the hard way :why leadership can't be taught and how you can learn it anyway
Frohman, Dov,; Howard, Robert,;San Francisco, CA : : Graffiti Pers , 2008
Leading with CARE :how women around the world are inspiring businesses, empowering communities, and creating opportunity
Cantando, Mary.; CARE/International.;San Francisco, CA : : Graffiti Pers , 2009