Total data: 6195
Foundations of materials science and engineering
Smith, William F.; Hashemi, Javad,;Boston : : McGraw-Hill , 2005
Green constitution : nuansa hijau undang - undang dasar negara republik Indonesia tahun 1945
Jimly Asshiddiqie;Jakarta : RajaGrafindo Persada , 2010
Intermediate accounting
Tomassini, Lawrence A.; Sepe, James F.; Spiceland, David J.;New York : McGraw-Hill/Irwin , 2007
Taking sides : clashing views on controversial issues in American history since 1945
Madaras, Larry;Dushkin : McGraw-Hill , 2003
An introduction to three-dimensional climate modeling
Washington, Warren M.; Parkinson, Claire L.;Sausalito, Calif. : : University Science Books, , 2005
Advanced financial accounting
Baker, Richard E.; Lembke, Valdean C.; King, Thomas E.;Boston : : McGraw-Hill/Irwin , 2005
Pathways to astronomy
Arny, Thomas T.; Schneider, Stephen E.;Boston : : McGraw-Hill Higher Education , 2007
The search for life in the universe
Goldsmith, Donald.; Owen, Tobias C.;Sausalito, Calif. : : University Science Books, , 2002