Total data: 16089
Religion and politics in the European Union : the secular canopy
Leege, David C.; Foret, Francois; Wald, Kennet D.; Wood, Ricard L.;New York : Cambridge University Press , 2015
Martyrdom in modern Islam : piety, power, and politics
Hatina, Meir;Cambridge : Cambridge University Press , 2014
Political philosophy : what it is and why it matters
Beiner, Ronald;Cambridge : Cambridge University Press , 2014
Principles of politics : a rational choice theory guide to politics and social justice
Oppenheimer, Joe;Cambridge : Cambridge University Press , 2012
Social influence network theory : a sociological examination of small group dynamics
Friedkin, Noah E.; Johnsen, Eugene C.;New York : Cambridge University Press , 2011
Set-theoritic methods for the social sciences : a guide to qualitative comparative analysis
Schneider, Carsten Q.; Wagemann, Claudius; Elman, Colin; Gerring, Jhon; Mahoney, James;New York : Cambridge University Press , 2012
Sejarah dan teori sosial, edisi kedua
Burke, Peter; Zed, Mestika; Ami, Zulf; Sairozi, A.;Jakarta : Yayasan Pustaka Obor Indonesia , 2015
Paradigma dan model penelitian komunikasi
Ardial; Damayanti, Restu; Hutari, Fandy;Jakarta : Bumi Aksara , 2014