Total data: 16089
Saat-saat terakhir bersama Soeharto : 2,5 jam di istana
Nadjib, Emha Ainun;Bandung : Mizan Media Utama , 2016
The SAGE handbook of online research methods
Fielding, Nigel G.; Lee, Raymond M.; Blank, Grant;California : SAGE Reference , 2017
Mastering modern psychological testing : theory & methods
Reynold, Cecil R.; Livingston, Ronald B.;England : Pearson Education , 2014
Pengantar ilmu hukum pajak
Rasjidi, Lili; Januar Budhi; Gunarsa, Aep; Brotodihardjo, R. Santoso;Bandung : Refika Aditama , 2003
Forty studies that changed psychology : explorations into the history of psychological research
Hock, Roger R.;England : Pearson Education , 2015