Total data: 15531
College is only the begining ; A Student guide to highir education / John N. Gardner
John N. Gardner;Columbia : A Division , 1984
Constructing achicvement terts / Norman E. Gronlund
Norman E. Gronlund;London : Prentice Hall , 1982
Sosiologi hukum / Georges Gurvitch
Sumantri Mertodipuromoh Radjab; Gurvitch, Georges;Jakarta : Bhratara , 1988
Introduction to Islamic theology and law
Goldzier, Ignaz; Hamori, Andras;New Jersey : Princeton University Press , 1981
Sistem Internship kependidikan dan Praktek / Oemar Hamalik
Hamalik, Oemar;Bandung : Mandar Maju , 1990
Hamka di mata hati umat / Nasir Tamara
Nasir Tamara; Buntaran Sanusi; Vincent Djamhari;Jakarta : Sinar Harapan , 1984