Total data: 15893
Accelerated learning for the 21st century cara belajar cepat abad XXI / Colin rose
Rose, Colin;Bandung : Nuansa , 2003
Islam in modern history
Smith, Wilfred Cantwell;Princeton, New Jersey : Princeton University Press , s.a.
Tadhkaratul-auliya or memoirs of saints / Bankey Behari
Behari, Bankey;Lahore : SH. Muhammad Ashraf , 1987
Tuammilat fi ba'd al-awamir wa al-nawahi fi al-Quran wa al-Sunnah = Contemplation in some commands and forbiddances in qur'an and Sonnah
Muhammad, Abdel Ghany Abd Rahman;s.l. : Dar El-Massira dan Madbuli Bookshop , 1987
Congress and publik policy : A Source book of documents and readings / David C. Kozak
Kozak. David C; Macartney, John D;Illinois : Dorsey Press , 1982