Total data: 16089
The Essential mystics : the soul's journey into truth / edited by, Andrew Harvey
Harvey, Andrew;New York : HarperSan Francisco , 1996
The Practice of psychotherapy : essays on the psychologi of the trasference and other subjects / C. G. Jung edited by:Sir Herbert Read, Michael Fordham, Gerhard Adler, William Mcguire
Jung, C.G; Read, Sir Herbert; Fordham, Michael; Adler, Gerhard; Mcguire, William;Princeton, N.J : University Press , 1977
Living Islam : women, religion and the politicization of culture in Turkey / Ayse Saktanber
Saktanber, Ayse;New York : I.B. Tauris , 2002
The Sacred and the profane : the nature of religion / Mircea Eliade translated by:Willard R. Trask
Eliade, Mircea; Trask, Willard R;San Diego : United States of America , 1987
Lessons in Islamic Jurisprudence / Muhammad Baqir As-Sadr;Penerjemah:Roy Parviz Mottahedeh
As; Sadr, Muhammad Baqir; Mottahedeh,Roy Parviz;England : Oneworld Publication , 2003
Information communication technology and education (In 5 Volumes) / Editor: V.C Pandey
Pandey, V.C;Delhi : Isha Books , 2003
Islam and western society : Arefutation of the modern way of life / Maryam Jameelah
Jameelah, Maryam.;Delhi : Adam Publishers , 1996
Isra miraj : perjalanan ruang waktu dalam kaitannya dengan penciptaan alam raya / S.Anwar Effendie
Effendie,S Anwar;Jakarta : Pradnya paramita , 1993
Budaya Indonesia : kajian arkeologi, seni, dan sejarah
Sedyawati, Edi.;Jakarta : Rajawali Pers , 2012