Total data: 16798

Intelligence in nature : an inquiry into knowledge / Jeremy Narby
Narby, Jeremy;New York : Penguin group , 2005

The Order of things : explorations in scientific theology / Alister E. McGrath
McGrath, Alister E.;USA : Blackwell Publishing , 2006

Essential mathematics for political and social research / Jeff Gill
Gill, Jeff;New York : Cambridge University Press , 2006

Thinking about religion : an historical introduction to theories of religion / Ivan Strenski
Strenski, Ivan;USA : Blackwell Publishing , 2006

Dia dan aku : memoar pencari kebenaran / Daoed Joesoef; editor, Chris Verdiansyah
Bagus Darmawan; Daoed Joesoef; Chris Verdiansyah;Jakarta : Kompas Media Nusantara , 2006

Suharto : a political biography / R.E. Elson
Elson, R.E.;United Kingdom : Cambridge University Press , 2001

Teologi pembaharuan : pergeseran wacana Islam Sunni di Indonesia abad XX / Fauzi Saleh
Fauzan Saleh;Jakarta : Serambi Ilmu Semesta , 2004

Dakwah Walisongo : penyebaran Islam berbasis kultural di tanah Jawa / Purwadi
Purwadi; Enis Niken;Yogyakarta : Panji Pustaka , 2007