Total data: 16089
Pursuing exellencw in higherveducation : eight fundamental challenges / Brent d. Ruben
Ruben, Brent D.;San Fransisco : Jossey-Bass , 2004
Fundamentals of graphics communication / Gary R. Bertoline, Eric N. Wiebe
Bertoline, Gary R.; Wiebe, Eric N.;Boston : McGraw-Hill Higher Education , 2005
Scientific writing : a reader and writer's guide
Lebrun, Jean; Luc;New Jersey : World scientific , 2007
Management information systems : for the information age
Haag, Stephen; Cummings, Maeve; McCubbrey, Donald J.;Boston : McGraw-Hill/Irwin , 2005
Inside Hamas : the untold story of the militant Islamic movement
Chehab, Zaki;New York : Nation Books , 2007
Rationalism in politics and other essays / Michael Oakeshott
Oakeshott, Michael;Indianapolis : Liberty Fund , 1991
Universal Human Rights : in theory and practice / Jack Donnelly
Donnelly, Jack;Ithaca : Cornell University Press , 2003
Basic business communication : skills for empowering the internet generation / Raymond V. Lesikar, Marie E. Flatley
Lesikar, Raymond V.; Flatley, Marie E.;Boston : McGraw-Hill/Irwin , s.a.