Total data: 16089
Pengaturan hukum perbankan syari'ah di Indonesia
Jundiani; Ernu widodo;Malang : UIN Maliki Press , 2009
Kedudukan fatwa dewan syariah nasional dalam sistem hukum nasional di Indonesia
Yeni Salma Barlinti;Jakarta : Balitbang dan Diklat , 2010
Feed your family right :how to make smart food and fitness choices for a healthy lifestyle
Zied, Elisa.; Winter, Ruth,;Hoboken, NJ : : John Wiley , 2007
The online millionaire :strategies for building a web-based empire on eBay and beyond
Joyner, Amy.;Hoboken, N.J. : : Wiley , 2007
Geeks on call wireless networking :5-minute fixes
Geier, James T.; Geier, Eric,; King, J. R.,;Indianapolis, IN : : Wiley , 2006
Balanced brand :how to balance the stakeholder forces that can make or break your business
Foley, John,; Kendrick, Julie.;San Francisco, CA : : Graffiti Pers , 2006
Power & choice : an introduction to political science
Shively, W. Phillips,;Boston : : McGraw-Hill Higher Education , 2007