Total data: 16810

Hukum hak cipta Indonesia: teori dan analisis harmonisasi ketentuan world trade organization/WTO-trips agreement
Margono, Suyud;Bogor : Ghalia Indonesia , 2010

Mastering modern psychological testing : theory & methods
Reynold, Cecil R.; Livingston, Ronald B.;England : Pearson Education , 2014

Pengantar ilmu hukum pajak
Rasjidi, Lili; Januar Budhi; Gunarsa, Aep; Brotodihardjo, R. Santoso;Bandung : Refika Aditama , 2003

Forty studies that changed psychology : explorations into the history of psychological research
Hock, Roger R.;England : Pearson Education , 2015

Inorganic chemistry
Fischer, Paul A.; Miessler, Gary L.; Tarr, Donald A.;Harlow : Pearson Education , 2014

Hybrid Retrosynthesis : organic synthesis using reaxys and scifinder
D'Angelo, John.; Smith, Michael B.;USA : Elseviers , 2015

Psychological testing : principles and applications
Murphy, Kevin R.; Davidshofer, Charles O.;Harlow : Pearson Education , 2014

The SAGE handbook of social media research methods
Sloan, Luke; Quan; Haase, Anabel;California : Sage Press , 2017