Total data: 16810

Delta theory and psychosocial systems : the practice of influence and change
Tharp, Roland G.;Cambridge : Cambridge University Press , 2012

Energi dzikir : menentramkan jiwa membangkitkan optimisme
Amin, Samsul Munir; Alfandi, Haryanto;Jakarta : Amzah , 2014

Penguatan pengawasan DPRD untuk pemerintahan daerah yang efektif
Suwanda, Dadang; Piliang, Akmal Malik; Suharyono, Agus;Bandung : Remaja Rosdakarya , 2016

Effective teaching and successful learning : bridging the gap between research and practice
Florio, Inez De;New York, NY : Cambridge University Press , 2016

Psychology of the digital age : humans become electric
Suler, John R.;New York, NY : Cambridge University Press , 2016

Chemical kinetics and reaction dynamics
Houston, Paul L.;Mineola, New York : Dover Publications , 2006

Identity process theory: identity, social action and social change
Jaspal, Rusi; Breakwell, Glynis M.; Coyle, Adrian; Murtagh, Niamh; Vignoles, Vivian L.; Pehrson, Samuel; Reicher, Stephen;New York : Cambridge University Press , 2016

Innovative methods of teaching and learning chemistry in higher education
Eilks, Ingo; Byers, Bill;Cambridge : RSC Publishing , 2009

Human development in the life course: melodies of living
Valsiner, Jaan; Zittoun, Tania; Vedeler, Dankert; Salgado, Joao; Goncalves, Miguel M.; Ferring, Dieter;New York : Cambridge University Press , 2016