Total data: 16810

Media and journalism : new approaches to theory and practice
Bainbridge, Jason; Goc, Nicola; Tynan, Elizabeth;London,Boston Melbourne and He : Oxford University Press , 2015

Analytical chemistry : a guided inquiry approach quantitative analysis collection
Lantz, Juliette; Cole, Renee;Lancaster : The Pogil Project , 2014

Natural product synthesis
Mulzer, J.; Basler, B.; Brandes, S.; Spiegel, A.; Bach, T.; Bandichhor, R.; Nosse, B.; Reiser, O.; Hiersemann, M.; Helmboldt, H.;Berlin : Springer , 2010

A history of modern political thought: the question of interpretation
Browning, Gary;New York : Oxford University Press , 2016

McNae's essential law for journalists
Hanna, Mark; Dodd, Mike;Oxford : Oxford University Press , 2016

Numerical methods for engineers
Chapra, Steven C.; Canale, Raymond P.;Boston, MA : McGraw-Hill Education , 2015

Organic chemistry from retrosynthesis to asymmetric synthesis
Sunjic, Vitomir; Perokovic, Vesna Petrovic;New York, NY : Springer , 2016

Introduction to politics
Lawson, Stephanie; Garner, Robert; Ferdinand, Peter;Oxford : Oxford University Press , 2016

Political research : methods and practical skills
Halperin, Sandra; Heath, Oliver;Oxford : Oxford University Press , 2017

Pengantar studi hukum konstitusi=introduction to the study of the law of the constitution
Nurhadi; Mangunsong, Nurainun; Dicey, A.V.;Bandung : Nusamedia , 2015