Total data: 16810

Doing research in applied linguistics : realities, dilemmas, and solutions
McKinley, Jim; Rose, Heath;London : Routledge , 2017

Learning by teaching : evidence-based strategies to enhance learning in the classroom
Duran, David; Topping, Keith J.,;London : Routledge , 2017

Exercises in psychological testing and assessment
Cohen, Ronald Jay;New York : McGraw-Hill Education , 2018

Culture and psychology
Matsumoto, David Ricky.; Juang, Linda P.;Boston. MA : : Cengage Learning, , 2017

Applied calculus for the managerial, life, and social sciences : a brief approach
Tan, Soo T.;Stamford : Cengage Learning , 2015

Algebra for college students
Kaufmann, Jerome E.; Schwitters, Karen L.;Stamford : Cengage Learning , 2015

Conceptual integrated science
Hewitt, Paul G.; Lyons, Suzanne A.; Suchocki, John A.; Yeh, Jennifer;Harlow, Essex : Pearson , 2014

Perspektif hukum pidana dan kebijakan pemidanaan: diversi dan keadilan restoratif, terorisme, cybercrime, pidana mati, dan peradilan sesat
Widodo;Yogyakarta : Aswaja Pressindo , 2017