Total data: 15830
Islam, Liberalism and Human Rights : Implication for International Relation / Katerina Dalacoura
Dalacoura, Katerina;London : I.B.Tauris , 1998
Statistik Direktorat Jendral Pembinaan Kelembagaan Agama Islam Tahun 2000 / Departemen Agama R.I.
Indonesia, Departeman Agama;Jakarta : Departemen Agama R.I. , 2000
The History and philosophy of Islamic science / Osman Bakar
Bakar, Osman;Australia : Islamic Texts Society , 1999
The Spread of Islam in the world : a history of peaceful preaching / Thomas Arnold
Arnold, Thomas;New Delhi : Goodword , 2001
Islamic Thought and its Place in History / De Lacy O'leary
O\'leary, De Lacy;New Delhi : Goodword Books , 2001