Total data: 15799
Meraih nikmatnya Iman / Abdullah Nasih Ulwan
Abdullah Nasih Ulwan; SA. Zemool;Solo : Pustaka Mantiq , 1993
Daftar kumulatif istilah Mabbim 1980 - 1983 / Ahmad Banta
Ahmad Banta; Tidjah Hamid; Dameria Nainggolan;Jakarta : Dep.Pend.\r\n Kebud. , 1983
Peranan orang tua dalam pendidikan seks
Sarlito Wirawan Sarwono; Ami Siamsidar;Jakarta : Rajawali Pers , 1986
Tes IQ bagaimana intelegensia anda? / Viktor Serebriakoff
Viktor Serebriakoff;Semarang : Dahara Preze , 1988
American pageant : a history of The Republic
Kennedy, David M.; Bailey, Thomas A.;Canada : D.C.Heath and Company , 1986
A History of Islamic Spain / W. Montgomery Watt
Watt, W. Montgomery; Pieree Cachia;Edinburgh : Edinburgh University Press , 1992
Islam and democracy : Fear of the modern world / Fatema Mernissi;translated by Mary Jo Lakeland
Mernissi, Fatima; Lakeland, Mary Jo;London : Virago Press , 1993