Total data: 16092
Research design : qualitative, quantitative, and mixed methods approaches / John W. Creswell
Creswell, John W.;Thousand Oaks, California : Sage Publications , 2003
Islam the Muslim ummah / Mahathir Mohamad
Mohamad, Mahathir;Malaysia : Pelanduk publications , 2001
Models and trends in religious education / Gail Thomas McKenna
McKenna, Gail Thomas;USA : Twenty-third publications , 1998
Beyond phenomenology : rethingking the study of religion / Gavin Flood
Flood, Gavin;London : Cassell , 1999
The Globalization of nothing / George Ritzer
Ritzer, George;Thousand Oaks : Pine Forge Press , 2004
Oxford advanced learner's dictionary of current English / A.S. Hornby
Hornby, A.S.;Oxford : Oxford University Press , 2000
Fallen freedom : Kant on radical evil and moral regeneration / Gordon E. Michalson Jr.
Michalson Jr., Gordon E.;Cambridge : Cambridge University Press , 1990
The Mismeasure of crime
Mosher, Clayton J.; Miethe, Terance D.; Phillips, Dretha M.;Thousand Oaks, California : Sage Publications , 2002
Barbarism and religion : volume one the enlightments of Edward Gibbon, 1737-1764 / J.G.A. Pocock
Pocock, J.G.A.;Cambridge : Cambridge University Press , 1999
Barbarism and religion : volume two narratives of civil government / J.G.A. Pocock
Pocock, J.G.A.;Cambridge : Cambridge University Press , 1999