Total data: 15799
Al-Dhabh slaying for animals for food the Islamic way
Khan, Ghulam Mustofa;London : Islamic medical association , 1982
Salvation Of The Soul And Islamic Defotions
Quasem, Muhammad Abul; Hons, B.A.; Kamil;London : Kegan Paul Inte , 1983
An anthology of islamic studies II / Issa J. Boullata
Federspiel, Howard M; Boullata, Issa J.;Motreal, Canada : McGill University , 1992
Organisasi al-washliyah di Kabupaten Deli Serdang / Abdul Mubarok
Mubarok, Abdul;Semarang : Depag , 1995
Office practice fundamentals
Gregg, John Robert; Fries, Albert C.; Rowe, Margaret;New York : McGraw-Hill , 1968
Sufi path, journey to God, with God, by God
The Association of spiritual Training, Pakistan;Kuala Lumpur : A.S. Noordeen , 1994