Total data: 3935
Agama dan pendidikan demokrasi : pengalaman Muhammadiyah dan Nahdlatul Ulama / Fuad Fachruddin
Fuad Fachruddin;Jakarta : Pustaka Alvabet , 2006
Psikologi terapan : mengupas dinamika kehidupan umat manusia
Djamaludin Ancok; Mohammad Asmawi;Yogyakarta : Darussalam , 2004
Sufi symbolism in the early quranic commentary / Moh. Anwar Syarifuddin
Syarifuddin, Moh. Anwar;Leiden : Leiden University , 2000
The terror dream : fear and fantasy in post-9/11 America / Susan Faludi
Faludi, Susan;New York : Henry Holt \r\n Company , 2007
Litlinks : activities for connected learning in elementary classrooms / Dena G. Beeghly
Beeghly, Dena G.; Prudhoe, Catherine M.;Boston : McGraw-Hill , 2002
Marketing the core / Roger A. Kerin, Steven W. Hartley, William Rudelius
Kerin, Roger A.; Hartley, Steven W.; Rudelius, William;Boston : McGraw-Hill , 2004
Sports and recreational activities / Dale P. Mood, Frank F. Musker, Judith E. Rink
Mood, Dale P.; Musker, Frank F.; Rink, Judith E.;Boston : McGraw-Hill , 2003
Medieval Europe : a short history / Charles Warren Hollister, Judith M. Bennet
Hollister, Charles Warren; Bennett, Hudith M.;New York : McGraw-Hill , 2002
Farming in nature's image : an ecological approach to agriculture
Soule, Judith D.; Piper, Jon K.;Washington : Island Press , 1992