Total data: 3962
Political power in birmingham 1871-1921 / Carl V. Harris
Harris, Carl V;Amerika : Univercity of Tennessee Press , 1977
Islam in modern history
Smith, Wilfred Cantwell;Princeton, New Jersey : Princeton University Press , s.a.
Islamic da'wah n the west muslim missinary activity and the dynamics of conversion to Islam / Larry Poston
Poston, Larry;New York : Oxford University Press , 1992
Congress and publik policy : A Source book of documents and readings / David C. Kozak
Kozak. David C; Macartney, John D;Illinois : Dorsey Press , 1982
Pendidikan Islam di rumah, sekolah dan masyarakat
Shihabuddin; Al; Nahlawi, Abdurrahman;Jakarta : Gema Insani Press , 1995
Tafsir Sosial Mendialogkan Teks dengan Konteks / Waryono Abdul Ghafur
Ghafur,Waryono Abdul;Yogyakarta : ELSAQ Press , 2005