Total data: 6529
Islam in Indonesian politics : a study of muslim response to and acceptance of the Pancasila / Faisal Ismail
Ismail, Faisal;Canada : Mc Gill University Press , 1995
Muslim women in Indonesia's politics : An Historial examination of the political carer of Aisyah Aminy
Rifai, Nurlena;Canada : Mc Gill University Press , 1993
Abdul Karim Amrullah his influence in the Islamic form movement in Minangkabau in the early twentieth century
Djamal, Murni;Canada : Library institute of Islamic studies , 1975
Decline of the Islamic empire of Aceh 1641 - 1699
Auni, Luthfi;Canada : The library institute Islamic studies , 1993
Role of religious in the Iranian revolution of 1979
Fajri, Nurul;Canada : The library institute of Islamic studies , 1992
Method of muslim learning as illustrated in Al-Zarnuji's Ta'lim al-Muta`alim tariq al-ta`alum
Afandi, Mochtar;Canada : Mc Gill Unioversity Press , 1993
British and the french responses to Muhammad Ali's policies
Hamim, Thoha;Canada : Mc Gill University Press , 1992
Partai Persatuan Pembangunan / Sudarnoto Abdul Hakim
Hakim, Sudarnoto Abdul;Canada : Mc Gill University Press , 1993
Islamic state in Indonesia:The rise of the ideology, the movement for its creation and the theory of the Masjumi
Nasution, Harun;Canada : Mc Gill University Press , 1965
Muhammadijah Movement a bibliografhical introduction
Ali, Abdul Mu`ti;Canada : The librari institute of Islamic studies , 1957