Total data: 18869
Harumnya bidadari bumi : biografi wanita salehah, sabar, dan tegar sepanjang sejarah
Abdurahman, Fuad;Bandung : Pustaka Hidayah , 2012
Mathematical methods for physicists : a comprehensive guide, 7th edition
Arfken, George B.; Weber, Hans J.; Harris, Frank E.;Amsterdam : Elsevier , 2013
The state in contemporary Islamic thought : a historical survey of the major muslim political thinkers of the modern era
Belkeziz, Abdelilah;New York : I.B. Tauris Publisher , 2015
The house of wisdom : how the Arabs transformed western civilization
Lyons, Jonathan;New York : Bloomsbury Press , 2010
The house of wisdom : how Arabic science saved ancient knowledge and gave us the renaissance
Al; Khalili, Jim;New York : Penguin Books , 2011
Catatan dari balik penjara : goresan pena revolusi Pramudya Ananta Toer
Muhibbudin, Muhammad; Darajat, M.;Yogyakarta : Zora Book , 2015
Time series models for business and economic forecasting
Franses, Philip Hans; Van Dijk, Dick; Opschoor, Anne;Cambridge, Mass : Cambridge University Press , 2014
EQS : energi Qur'an sunnah
Ahmad, Sumayyah Ramadhan; Mujtahid, Umar; Al; Albānī, Muḥammad Nāṣir al; Dīn; Afifah, Abu;Surakarta : Multazam , 2013
Ring of fire : Indonesia dalam lingkaran api
Zidane, Mehdy; Blair, Lawrence; Blair, Lorne; Palar, Tyas;Jakarta : Ufuk Press , 2012