Total data: 36749

Copyright : interpreting the law for libraries, archives and information service
Cornish, Graham P.;London : Facet publishing , 2003

The freedom to do God's will : religious fundamentalism and social change / editor Gerrie ter Haar
;London : Routledge , 2003

Coleridge, philosophy and religion : aids to reflection and the mirror of the spirit / Douglas Hedley
Hedley, Douglas;Cambridge : Cambridge University Press , 2000

Ethics, exegesis and philosophy : interpretation after Levinas / Richard A. Cohen
Cohen, Richard A.;Cambridge : Cambridge University Press , 2001

The Question of God : C.S. Lewis and Sigmund freud Debate God, love, sex, and the meaning of life / Armand M. Nicholi
Nicholi, Armand M.;New York : The Free Press , 2002

Jihad in the west Muslim conquests from the 7th to the 21st centuries / Paul Fregosi
Fregosi, Paul;New York : Prometheus books , 1998

Politik dan negara dalam Islam / M. Yusuf Musa; terj. M. Thalib
Musa, M. Yusuf; Thalib, M;Surabaya : Al-Iklas , 1990

Cita dan citra Muhammadiyah / editor, M. Yunan Yusuf
Yusuf, M. Yunan;Jakarta : Pusaka Panjimas , 1985